teman blogger

Dec 18, 2013

offer letter

Assalamualaikum wbt

hee lamenye x update blog..lupa pulak dgn kewujudan blog ni..huhu
okok back to the topic about the offer letter..Alhamdulillah da terima official online offer letter from Academic Admission IIUM Gombak..I'm officially a Bachelor of Human Science (Communication)(honours) bersyukur sesangat dpt tawaran course seperti yg diminta..walaupun berkaitan mahallah agak sedikit mengecewakan tapi cuba untuk terima dgn redha..pasti ada hikmahnya..ya, aku pasti ! ok..even aku da dpt offer letter tu but mostly my friends didnt get it yet and its kinda bothered and worried me some..hmmm what happen act ea ? tarikh kluar offer letter da lps da tpi still mcm tu..nk kate ada sangkut memane paper xde..saman pown xde..pelik betul..uia suka buat surprise kt student..hmmm bersabar je laa...nak deal dgn system U ni mmg parah sikit..kena bebanyak bersabar.

ok after this my loooong journey will be tougher and harder than before so need to be prepare mentally and physically..hmm kena start buka buku sesikit ni..da x ingt sgt ape yg aku blaja time kat cfs tu..hahaa yela aku cuti otak pun sebok nk cuti..nk ckp psl mahallah nie..sedih betul bile dpt tahu antara aku & roomate2ku hanya aku sorg je yg tercampak jauh nun..dorg sume dpt mahallah same aku je yg lain..planned dulu tu automatic cancelled ! i cant join them, what a sad news ! hahaa but anis suruh call uia mintak tuka mahallah..tapiiiiiii uia nk layan ke ? bab2 nie dorg pandang sebelah mata je..ada yg ckp thn 2 nnti baru bole tuka..hmmm..da la mahallah tu gabung dgn brothers..tu yg xsedap dgr tu ! klau ayah tau tu mmg dy suruh mintak tuka..even when i did some research i didnt heard any bad things about the mahallah..bilik pun agak privacy sikit...hmm xtau nk buat mcm mne..sesape ada pengalaman tukar mahallah heharap boleh share..nk tw jugak procedure mcm mne..hehe

bile da dpt offer letter nie memacam kena fikir, division subject2 per sem, pinjaman biasiswa, lecturers yg nk kne assign..memacam lgi laa..sape roomate ngn classmate nnti la fikir..walaupun agak risau jugak...tpi mls nk fikir..janji dpt lecturers ok pun da cukup bersyukur da..

apa2 pun lets get through it with du'a and tawakal...insyaAllah Allah bantu..lets get through it together my friends ! we will ! i know we will ! Good luck for u guys and for me ^^

p/s: to my friends, dont worry too much about the offer letter, i know u guys will get what u deserve ! klau x dpt jugak call je UIA...lgipun duedate dy 27hb ^^

Oct 15, 2013

wajah baru......

Assalamualaikum wbt

yeayyy blog da berwajah baru..credit to my lil sis sbb tlg bgi idea utk edit...da lama giler x edit blog...blog pun da mcm bebudak kecik punya je...mmg patut tukar nie..huhu

now, aku da pun habis exam & i'm waiting for my result right now..aahhhh so scared ! hopefully i will pass in every subject esp Eng that is harder to pass than other subject..and pray for me guys to get a better pointer this time..so i'll go to main campus (Gombak) this time..ok end of this month i'll come to cfs again to take MUET exam that even scaring me more ! huhu...

hmm now its have been a days we start a holiday..i miss my friends and my lovely roommates already..my roomates that are really crazy and psycho...they like to troll people..when 1 person start to "bahan orang" yg lain mesti follow lps tu..smpai nk gaduh da pun ada..but end up being even more closed..really love them...dlm bilik tu dipelopori bdk HS mane taknye..kesian bdk course lain yg ada dlm bilik tu..ingat lagi waktu memula dorg kena psycho dgn ktorg..giler lawak..smpai mati-matian dorg taknak percaya ktorg daa..but lastly dorg pun jadi kaki psycho same..hahaa...ktorg ada 9 org = 5 bdk HS, 1 bdk Engine, 1 bdk Arcomm and 2 bdk Laws....paling kesian bdk Engine ngn Arcomm laa asyik kne tipu dgn psycho ngn ktorg..bahahaaa....maaf kengkawan semua lps nie xde daa org nk troll and psycho korg lagi..tapi xjanji laa klau kte jumpa balik even time reunion skali pun..mungkin time tu troll n psycho ktorg makin mengganas..hahaa

btw, i want to apologize to all my cfs's friends especially my roommates if i've done anything wrong to u guys...manusia tu x sempurna..jadi kemungkinan besar utk melakukan kesilapan tu ada...

I hope we can meet again even we are busy..dont forget me...if we run each other anywhere, dont ignore me ok..i wish u guys success in your study and life and also in everything that u do..pray for me too..love u guys

this is the video with my roomates..enjoys...

#akutahugrammarakuberterabur #pedulipulak hahhaa

Sep 12, 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt

heee mcm gempak je title graduate tu..hahaaaa
hishhh takutnye nak graduate dri CFS daaa..lps nie masuk Main Campus...seram sejuk bile dgr main campus..mmg laa rasa x sabar tpi tetibe rasa mcm x boleh nk survive kat main campus nnti..kat CFS pun da kontang kanting kelam kelibut semua ada daa...tetibe wujud low self-confident dlm diri..mcm mane nie ? da laa pointer kat sini mcm x berapa nk cantik je...aduhhh... Ya Allah bantulah hambamu ini..harap2 sepanjang cuti sebelum masuk main campus nnti dpt kumpulkan balik self-confident dlm diri yg da hilang tu..n hope boleh survive sampai habis degree nnti..berharap sesangat.....InsyaAllah