teman blogger

Dec 4, 2012

Australia / Aussie *experience*

Assalamualaikum wbt

yess new entry today !

Just nak citer my new experience pergi Melbourne with family. Yes it was my 1st time when to oversea selain dri Mekah Madinah. Last august kalau x silap. Memang tersangat sangat excited. Ktorang sampai pagi mcm tu la. Manusia takpayah cakap la ramainya subhanAllah. Panjang giler beratur kt imegresen dia. Tapi amazing nye tak penat pun sebab beratur sekejap je walaupun panjang dia kemain. Why ? sbb dorang buat kerja sangat pantas ! dalam lelaju buat kerja pun tapi dorang still peramah. Sangat peramah.

Waktu tengah tunggu worker tu stamp passport ktorg sempat laa jugak berborak kosong sikit sikit. Dia tanya ktorg apa ktorg buat kat sini, bila ayah cakap ktorg datang bercuti dan cuma 4hari je, dia terkejut. Hahahaa. Dia kata mana cukup sekejap sangat sbb byk tempat nak kena pergi then dia cakap we should come again. Hahahaa. yesss we shouldddd. Seriously Australian people full of manners. Respect them so much !

sepanjang kat sana pun sume tmpt ktorang pegi sume org baik2 je..tapi Melbourne kan ! tmpt org bekerja ! sape nak layan kau klau org sume sebok nak pegi kerja ! so, ape2 pun nak cari tmpt cari sendiri laaa !! tapi boleh je nak tanye dorang..dorang tetap berhenti & jawab ! baik kan !!

housekeepers kat hotel yg ktorang stay pown baik giler..sambil2 kemas sambil beritahu tmpt yg best2 yg sepatutnya ktorang pegi ! same jugak dgn worker yg jaga counter ! sgt baik !! bagus kan !!

plg xbole lupa ! waktu kat imegresen time nk balik Malaysia..worker tu bole pulak main teka-teka passport ngn ktorang ! Seronok sangat agaknya hahaaaa..da la sebut nama ktorang pelat !! hahaaaa xbole lupa ok ! tmpt dorg sgt bersih ! rasa selesa sgt nak berjalan...baguskan adab dorg ! i hope Malaysian will be like them ! i hope so !

okay end of the story. Nak citer full kena citer face to face. Penat nak taip.

Nov 9, 2012

down TT

Assalamualaikum wbt

be back again :)
hmmmm...baru je lps tgk result final tadi...to be honest my result really not make me happy..
i'm quite upset now..but to be upset now is nothing rite !
soo i'm gonna cheer up myself !! yyyeeaahhhhhh
soooo cheer up SYAZANA !! u can do it !! fighting fighting !!!

lagi pun nie 1st sem kan..u have about another 2 or 3 sem to make up ! study hard !! make sure next sem nie study hard ! no play play daa TT

baru sedar betapa sshnye jadi student universiti nie...x mcm skola...segala2nya ckgu sediakan...kat universiti sume kena buat sendiri..xde sape nk mrh2 da klau xbuat keje..sume ats diri sendiri..

for myself i need to be more mature and independent..yeahhh
next sem mayb is the though sem for me bcause i need to make up for the 1st sem ! yeahh target x mencapai sasaran ! so kerja lebih laaa

hahahaaaa klakar la pulak !! rse mcm dpt result SPM je !! tpi this is the worst la for me...
bile tgk result...da terbukti i'm suck with HISTORY !! even blaja in malay pun ! so terang lagi bersuluhlaa yg aku mmg xkan amik history as my major subject for degree...but, for POLITICAL SCIENCES, hold on ok !! will wait for the next coming up subject !

yeahh to be honest i got to know my pointer since yesterday...as the result, it really turn me down..rse mcm nk give up study...but its not me !! mmg i cried alone smlm..but give up bkn jln penyelesaian yg baik..so i just trying to cheer up myself...

ape-ape pun fighting for the next sem ! u can do it ! lps nie kena berubah jdi lgi rajin bukak buku ye ! okkkkkk !!!!

thats all...nk luahkan bebanyak kat sini pun x bole jugak! hehe
btw, congrats to all my friends that got flying colours for ur final..and bgi yg x dpt or same je lebih krg ngn aku, we can do the best for the next sem !!! fighting guys !

Sep 29, 2012

Assalamualaikum wbt..
woww have been sooo long im not post anything ! this page was abandoned by me !! heheee

act rase mmg nak update sumthing tpi rse mcm mls plak ! hah nie da bukak nie mmg berjeler laa post kali nie ! hehe

oppss forget to tell that im currently continued my study at CFS IIUM PJ ! i take HS Course..wanna know what HS is ? hmm next time i'll tell u..

ok for the half of this year, so many thing happen in my life...the happy thing, sad thing, funny thing, the very stressful thing also happen in my life ! but dont mind about it..just let it be what it want to be..huhu

ok i've made a lot of friends at CFS ! they're awesome ok !..but still im gonna miss all my beloved friends at school ! RAHIL MEKAR NADIAH SYAFA NASUHA TINI FATIN FARHANIS MUN NAJIHATUL LEELY BAHIJ and others laahh (boys ! do i need to mention u guys ? hehe) but guys trust me ! if i not mention u guys doesnt mean that i forget u ok ! *chill*

ok i'll introduce all my friends at CFS ok ! here they're ---> kodi, putri, midah, basyirah, anis, zihah, nik, izah, hani, sheril, amani, and all my classmate ! no need to mention all of them ! hehe

hmm ohh im using english now ??!! O_o hmm bcause at CFS we need to used english as the main language ok ! so i need to practise a lot before going to main camp at Gombak.. have a lot of foreign student there ! so speaking ! hehe *im sorry if i made alot of mistake*

about CFS ? next time will story ! hahaa *sume next time ! ntah bila ntah tu ! haha*

kyaaaa.. i update this just want to tell u that i still alive ok ! not died yet ! hahaaa

Mar 24, 2012

our memoriesss !!!!

tadaaaaaa..........this our memoriessss !!

credit to Mekar Surita Suhaimi....
serius terharu giler tgk video nie...bile fikir2 balik nakal sungguh ktorg nie..hahah
apeape pun tu sume kenangan masa lalu..masa zaman sekolahh...lepas nie da xjumpe da mcm nie...huhu
sedihsedih *sobsob

terasa nak tulis satu2 plak name mereka2 sume..

Here the Bukharian's Girls....
Mekar Surita Suhaimi, Rahil Zahari, Siti Nadiah Che Soh, Noor Syafawati, Nor Nasuha, Fatini Rashid, Nurul Fatihah Thammat, Farah Hanani, Intan Suhaiza, Nor liyana, Amnah Faisal, Jazmina Arijah, Nor Nuha

Here the Bukharian's Boys....
Hafizuddin Abd Rahim, Mustakim, Hilman, Syafiq Rosli, Afiq Azami, Syazwan, Hafiz Azmi, Rusulee Loqman

okee...i love all of u guys !!! hope to see u all again someday..
nanti sape2 nak kahwin daa jgn lupe jemput ye !!! haha awl sungguh laa !

anyway thanks alot mekar for this video..love u more laaa... :D

come back !!!!

Assalamualaikum wbt...

lame giler x update belogg nie !! maklumlaa org busy la katekan...haha *menyampahnyedengar
okee...as u know result spm bru je kuar dua ari lps...nk kate result gempak x la gempak mne...mcm biase je..msh xmencapai target..tpi pape pun aku tetap b'syukur dpt result mcm tu..xkesah laa...

org kate spm bukan segala-galanya,,,ehh ? tapi btol laa...rmai je yg result spm x gempak mne berjaya je...
tapi apeape pun "dimana ada kemahuan disitu ada highway" :P

serius aritu best btol jumpe kawankawan sume..lame giler xjumpe dorg..rindu beb !!
mcm2 gaya da aku tgk...tpi still xdpt jumpe sume..sbb ade yg amik awal sbb takut nk jumpe kwn2..hahah
xkesah pun...

naseb kwn baik aku sorg nie rajin nak buat video psl ktorang...memories memories !
next update i'll post the video...hehe
wait haaa.. :D

papepun CONGRATULATION to all my friends xkire la bape pun korg dpt janji korg ade hala tuju..
jgn lps nie korg ukur jalan suda..kesian org yg kerja ukur jln da xde kerja sbb korg da amik..hahah
ape aku merapu nie...

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